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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, there is hope. No, there's no hope.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, there is hope. (4)
 No, there's no hope. (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Is this true? Is there still hope?

Yes, there is hope.

Side Score: 5

No, there's no hope.

Side Score: 3

I am still holding out for hope. There has to be. Otherwise.... ;)

Side: Yes, there is hope.
1 point

I have crappy internet here, so that video is not gonna load...

So I'm gonna go "Pauline Hanson" on ya, and say: "Plleeeaaaassseee Expllaaayyynnnn."


Side: Yes, there is hope.

It's a parody of a public service announcement where a bunch of men explain to young boys that...., it's going to get bigger...., and a woman who says..., but it might not.... ;)

Side: Yes, there is hope.
1 point

penis enlargement surgery, what it does, a procedure that releases the suspensory ligaments that attach the penis to the under surface of the pubic bone recovery 1 week or less. goodluck. or there are penis enlargement, gadgets you can buy from sex shops or the web. or you could just be happy with what you got, its how you use it....

Side: Yes, there is hope.
2 points

Sorry boys. No hope. It probably won't. So since it won't, you better learn those freaky things with a small one ;)

Side: No, there's no hope.

What freaky things? Please explain. Can a demostration be arranged? I'm always eager to learn, this is reason I'm here in the first place.

Side: No, there's no hope.