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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

For point redistribution Against point redistribution
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:18
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 For point redistribution (4)
 Against point redistribution (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

It's the annual point redistribution vote.


It's kinda like the liberal "wealth redistribution" wet dream but instead of wealth, we redistribute points.  All those in favor of point redistribution belong under the "For point redistribution" column and all those who are against point redistribution belong under the  "Against point redistribution" column.

For point redistribution

Side Score: 9

Against point redistribution

Side Score: 5
3 points

Mine are up for sale if anyone is interested.

Side: For point redistribution

(I am seriously spamming you Joe...) How about make it a bit more interesting.... (Brings out Sniper Rifles)

Side: For point redistribution
1 point

yeah sure, upvotes for all who post in this column. Is that what I'm supposed to do? I don't quite get this o.O

Side: For point redistribution

I support the Affordable Points Act, also known as Joebamacare.

Side: For point redistribution

Suck it bitches!!! You ain't getting my points!!! Yeah!!! You'll have to pry them from my cold, dead, fingers!!! ;)

Side: Against point redistribution
1 point

Point redistribution differs from wealth redistribution in two ways:

- We won't die of starvation if we don't get points.

- Points are given out via a consistent set of rules that reward all members equally for equal participation. Wealth is distributed unevenly, in most cases justifiable rewarding hard work, imagination, or risk, but also often pooling in the hands of a few people by virtue of their position. (I know that's overly simplistic, but I'm just trying to point out that money is often not distributed evenly).

Personally, I don't believe in redistributing wealth, but I do believe in structuring society to distribute wealth more evenly in the first place, such as through minimum wage and labor unions.

P.S. I also think we need to have support for bulleted lists in these edit boxes. I totally tried to do this above using html tags, but they were ignored. :(

Side: Against point redistribution

It's a level playing field and points don't matter anyway, so I don't know why anyone would complain.

Side: Against point redistribution
0 points

No. Points are a precious thing and won't mean anything if given to someone who didn't earn them. (blech)

Side: Against point redistribution