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It could happen. Say whaaaat?
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 It could happen. (1)
 Say whaaaat? (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Jews and blacks have somethings in common - could history repeat itself?

Jews were slaves, Blacks were slaves.
Blacks speak Ebonics, Jews speak Yidish.

Some nut job tried to kill all the Jews.  The rest of the world was like, "Dude!!!  Really???  That's not politically correct!  And on top of that, it is not very nice either."  And they kicked his ass.  Then they got together and said, "OK, look, here's what we're gonna do.  We're gonna send all your asses back to where you came from."  But the people that were already there were like, "Oh no you didn't!!!  Niggah, don't be coming here.  This here is our homeland."  And the Jews were like, "OK..., well..., We'll fight you for it."  And they have been fighting ever since.

So... do you suppose that at some point in the future someone is gonna try and take out all the Black people and then the world will intervene and try to repatriate the Blacks in Africa?  I mean, I know some brothers would probably be like, "Hell no!!!  I ain't gonna go and be chased by no big ass lion!"  But there will be a few homies that will be like, "Yo, listen here, if some big ass lion come and try to chase my ass I'm gonna cap his ass!"  Then the native population alredy in Africa would get restless and they would be like, "WTF, yo?  You came to the wrong neighborhood."  And I would address the rest of the world and I'd be like, "Didn't ya all learn sh!t from the last time you tried to pull this crap?"

And if history did repeat itself and this really came to pass, who would you put your money on, the natives or the home team?  I mean, I know there are a lot of Zulus, but we have the Bloods and the Crips.

It could happen.

Side Score: 1

Say whaaaat?

Side Score: 7

Stranger sh!t has happened in the history of this planet... some weird ass sh!t too ;)

Side: It could happen.

Omg my sides are cramping xD

Why joe!? whhhhhy?!

Side: Say whaaaat?

They said that I was losing my touch. That I was just posting uberHumor crap and NOT doing any satire anymore. I felt I needed to get back to my roots and feel like I've earned my 28748 points ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?

Joe is obviously one of us niggas. I hope history dont repeat itself.

Side: Say whaaaat?
1 point

Here we go. Joe is at it again.

Side: Say whaaaat?

I didn't read all of that, are you out of your mind. I'm assuming you mean slavery, and if you do then I only know it won't happen again, because religion allowed slavery to happen.

Then again, religion is preventing gays from marrying so, who knows.

Side: Say whaaaat?

I do NOT mean slavery. I mean the Holocaust. ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Ah, lol, I actually read it after posting this.

Side: It could happen.