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Debate Info

Keynes Hayek
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:24
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 Keynes (11)
 Hayek (10)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Keynes VS Hayek

If you're looking for Mario VS Sonic, you're in the wrong debate.

If you're interested in whether or not music can be used to inspire children to learn about economics, then you are in the right debate.


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 10
1 point

Keynes is the best economist. I like him even his theory makes me feeling headache :)

Side: keynes
1 point

Keynes is a hack because he was more of a bureaucrat than a economist. He is more of an anti-economist because he didn't understand supply and demand and he believed that it is the work of the government to run the economy.

Side: Hayek

A pioneer, Keynes. But then again, maybe I'm too heavily influenced by my dislike of Friedman.

Side: keynes
1 point

The difference between Friedman and Keynes is that Friedman applies real economics while Keynes lives in a upside down world.

Side: Hayek
saprophetic(389) Disputed
2 points

Would you care to explain what you meant by "upside down world"?

Side: keynes

Hayek clearly knocked Keynes out. It's right there in the video! I only chose winners ;)

Side: Hayek
1 point

I was going to post that video as soon as I saw the title. You beat me to it. Personally I'm a Keynes man myself.

You have to see part One, first:;=related

Side: keynes
1 point

Keeping following Keynes theory of the HAIR OF THE DOG.--------

Side: keynes

I'm afraid that if we keep on following Keynes theory that bankers will make more risky bets under the assumption that if they don't pan out that the government will bail them out (win-win situation). This in turn will create ever larger bubbles and bailouts and I don't see how that can sustain itself.

But that's just me ;)

Side: Hayek

I created this debate before similar to this.------------------------------------By the way, Hayek.

Side: Hayek

Well..., promote it...., here...., What_ECON_rap_song_do_you_prefer

How's that? ;)

Side: Hayek