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Maybe Nah...
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Maybe (2)
 Nah... (8)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Maybe those people that got sucked up by those tornadoes were actually Raptured

I mean, who are we to dictate to God how he should collect his flock and gather them up to him?  Maybe he just sucked them up with a big vacuum and we perceived it as a bunch of tornadoes down tornado alley.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 10
1 point

Rapture guy, Harold camping says that may 21 was the "spiritual rapture" and that the actual rapture is October 21.

Apparently he has no problem making a complete ass out of himself.

Side: Nah...
1 point

Camping's followers are left with dejection and puzzlement.

"I was hoping for it because I think heaven would be a lot better than this earth," said Keith Bauer, a tractor-trailer driver and Camping follower.

Bauer "had some skepticism" but I put it aside because he believed in God.

Robert Fitzpatrick of Staten Island, New York, famously spent his life-savings to finance a massive ad campaign for the 'Doomsday 'message.

As the clock ticked towards 6 p.m. local time on May 21st 2011 - which Camping predicted to be the beginning of 'Doomsday' - Fitzpatrick waited expectantly at Time Square, New York City. While he waited, he was surrounded by revelers and mockers.

When 'Doomsday' failed to materialize, Fitzpatrick was stunned.

"I don't understand why nothing is happening. It's not a mistake. I did what I had to do. I did what the Bible said," he said, reported New York Post.

Side: Nah...

Get the flock out of here ;)

Side: Nah...
2 points

I don't think God has anything to do with it, being from MO, I don't think this is a subject to be making jokes about. I have a very good friend in Oklahoma that just barely got missed. Sorry to pee on your debate, but it is just too close to home here.

Side: Nah...

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they are alright .

Side: Nah...
1 point

I have a friend in Oklahoma whom was missed by four miles. It's scary stuff.

Side: Nah...

Right, because a man who has failed to predict the Rapture several times was totally right just because bad weather popped up.

Right, because weather randomly killing innocent people is God's way of saying, "I don't feel like it yet, so I'll just be half-assed and suck up these innocent people over... throws a dart ... here."

If a God exists, he will never kill innocent people. You're lucky I'm not being far more harsh to you for suggesting that the DEATH'S OF INNOCENT PEOPLE were caused by a supposedly loving God!

That's despicable.

Side: Nah...

I was referring to the ones that are missing. The ones that died obviously tried to pull a fast one and sneak on up to heaven. But St. Peter was onto them and he cast them down for their naughty ways ;)

Side: Nah...
1 point

A Rapture has to kill everybody rite? I hope it is not the start at least.

Side: Nah...

No, the Rapture just sucks you up into Heaven. The dying part is for the people who are left behind. ;)

Side: Nah...