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Ninja Jesus
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 Ninja (3)
 Jesus (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Ninja vs Jesus


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 11

Ninja wins by default! Due to the absence of the other competitor!

Side: Ninja
1 point

If Jesus existed the ninja would destroy him in combat , Jesus with his long hair , dress sense and feminine attributes wouldn't last a round . When the bell went for the first round the holy one would look heaven wards and mumble inanities about peace and harmony as the ninja deftly carves him in two .... Game over next .....

Side: Ninja
2 points

Jesus, because He could just say something and He would win because Jesus's voice is powerful.

Side: Jesus

I have to admit that, at least in the picture, Jesus got the jump on the ninja. The ninja's like, "Where'd you come from?" ;)

Side: Jesus
2 points

Jesus has no miracle powers they were just made up after his death .

Side: Ninja
Srom(12120) Disputed
2 points

So I guess the eyewitness accounts who were there and witnessed it lied about it? Why would they lie about Jesus doing miracles if they witnessed it?

Side: Jesus
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Sure. That's why His disciples refused to stop proclaiming His resurrection and refused to stop preaching the good news of His Kingdom, no matter how much they were tortured and no matter what horrible death they were forced to endure.

It is also why at they protected His word with their lives, and passed it along from generation to generation kept exactly as He gave it, in spite of all the people who tried to change it and deny it.

It is also why thousands, millions today know His miracle working power through answered prayer, and His divine intervention at so many times.

You sir, have nothing to stand with other than your own corruption, by which it is impossible to stand. You are fallen and are falling down to Hell and need to get saved from it. Jesus is alive, He is God, He is risen from the dead. He offers you forgiveness because He can, He paid your price so He has the right to pardon you from all your sin and save you from Hell.

I really feel sorry for people like you who act like they think they are smarter and better than God. I doubt that these words will have any affect on you, and will probably give you nothing but another thing for which you will be held accountable by God as one more time that you repeated your willful rejection of His offer of forgiveness. Because I believe you are Hell bound and will not be persuaded out of your pride, I'm writing this more for whoever God sends here to read these words. Maybe they are like you, maybe not. I'll find out one day. I'll be with Jesus and not condemned in His judgement, and those who have rejected Him will be condemned in Judgement with His blood testifying against those who refused His blood payment for their sin..... and I will be there to witness His righteous judgement against their sin.

Side: Jesus
2 points

The ninja can be heard and touched but not seen.

Jesus can be seen and heard but not touched.

It is physically impossible to defeat him.

Side: Jesus
1 point

He died once already. Probably would come back again if the ninja killed him.

Side: Jesus
1 point

All Jesus has to do is raise his hands and the ninja will be struck by lightning

Side: Jesus