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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 True (5)
 Wait..., what? No! (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

No body is 100% atheist

30 seconds before and orgasm
30 seconds before the plane crashes


Side Score: 9

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 5

I know lots of girls that claimed to be atheists and then they slept with me ;)

Side: True
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

I had the same experience. I found they were much more likely to sleep with a little devil like me. ;-)

Side: True
CrabCakes(130) Disputed
1 point

Why are you sleeping with little girls sir? I don't really understand why.

Side: Wait..., what? No!

Who said anything about little? One of them was over 6 feet tall ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!
2 points

If they were 100% atheist, they would be stupid - because there is no way we can no for sure.

I will say though, that I am 100% atheist in the way that I don't believe in any sort of God that gives a fuck about what happens here on little earth :p

Side: True

If they were 100% atheist, they would be stupid - because there is no way we can no for sure.

I will say though, that I am 100% atheist in the way that I don't believe in any sort of God that gives a fuck about what happens here on little earth :p

Me too bridget. I call myself agnostic because I don't discount the possibility, but I see it as being so highly improbable that I definitely come down on the side of atheism.

Side: True
bridgetmm(70) Clarified
1 point

agreed :)

Side: True
1 point

Note how many passengers on an airliner don't begin to pray to their God when the captain announces;- DUE TO TECHNICAL ISSUES WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO DITCH IN THE SEA.FASTEN YOUR SWAT BELTS AND BRACE-BRACE-BRACE.


Side: True
1 point

I totally agree! I'm not really 100% atheist, I'm mostly water! ;-)

Side: True
CrabCakes(130) Disputed
1 point

I was told at church that God would judge the world. Are you the world sir?

Side: Wait..., what? No!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. Obviously not. I'm 83 and someone named "God" hasn't yet judged me. I guess "somebody up there likes me" …………….. ;-)

Side: True
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