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Those bastards!!! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Those bastards!!! (9)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (7)

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jolie(9809) pic

People are now rick-trolling the EU supporters.

Those bastards!!!

Side Score: 11

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 7
2 points

The EU is all Butt Hurt and people are making fun.

Side: Those bastards!!!
1 point

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there ;)

Side: Those bastards!!!

Never gonna give you up.....

Never gonna let you down....

Side: Those bastards!!!
1 point

The Progressive Elitist in the EU are upset because the Common People voted to put a boot in their ass ! Which i find very interesting because the Progressive Left is not about people voting they find out that they are not very liked. Wait..., What ? No !! is slapping them in the face and we can call that "Bitch Slapped" !

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

As the the Exodus of major corporations has already started and momentum expected to gain pace over the forthcoming months it will be the ''brainless'' common people who will suffer most. The rich, clever wealth and job creators won't be affected as they will simply move the centre of their operations to mainland Europe. By far and away the biggest issue which won the day for ''leave campaigners was ''mass UNCONTROLLED immigration, but as the E.U, Mafia have made it abundantly clear, that there will be no negotiating on the ''open border'' policy, the U.K., is going to end up with the worst of all worlds. If the U.K, wish to continue enjoying a tariff free trading arrangement with the E.U,( which they absolutely need) they are going to have to accept the immigration quotas dictated by Brussels along with other, hard to digest conditions, but will have no say in the policies which will affect the U.K. Brexit was a mistake of colossus proportions and will have a dreadful impact on the prosperity of the British people. The referendum should never have been called and as time elapses the true damage will become more apparent. The migration of companies= fewer jobs, less inward investment= fewer jobs, fewer companies and jobs= less tax revenue= fewer public services and social benefits. So, the common people with mad dog's shit for brains have gone and committed financial suicide and condemned future generations to a significantly reduced standard of living. Well done the common people, you've really gone and done it now.

Side: Those bastards!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

"The Progressive Elitist in the EU are upset because the Common People voted to put a boot in their ass !" You disagree with that ?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Poseidon(61) Disputed
1 point

Do you think that it is in a country's best interest to have nonelected officials, the EU Commission, writing and proposing laws for their country?

Do think that it is in a counties best interest to have other countries voting on laws created by nonelected officials that will become the law of the land in said country?

Do you think it's a good idea for this organization, the EU, to be pushing for it's own treasury and military? Mind you, that treasury and military could enforce unfavorable laws on the country in question, regardless of said country's opinion on the subject?

Do you believe in the democratic system?

If you answered yes to any of the first three, you had better not have yes on the forth.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

White males shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Side: Those bastards!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

"The Progressive Elitist in the EU are upset because the Common People voted to put a boot in their ass !" You disagree with that ?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

That really is QUITE funny.

Just don't forget most artists have songs to use to promote either side. Such as these lyrics from Rick:

"Gonna take my time

Gonna take what's mine

I'm gonna move right out

Gonna take my time

Gonna keep my pride

Gonna move right out yeah"

(I had to look it up, of course. I'm not a discography of Rick Astley)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!