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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Please post here the questions that keep you up at night. (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Please post here the questions that keep you up at night.

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2 points

Can nothing and everything both exist?


Does "nothing" technically count as "something"?

Who invented houses? Was his name Mr. Houses?

Do bees cry?

Stupid Incredible Crew, never posted the whole song!
1 point

If there is a God, wouldn't He too be scared of what his purpose is?

1 point

Why are simple, stupid games so addicting ?

1 point

Are there intelligent life forms out there beyond our solar system?

Why does the NHL have such a bad point system?

Why are the childrens shows now a days so terrible?

Will mankind ever run into problems with AI/Robots/Computer systems taking over and attacking or causing problems?

Will i live to see the day when humans learn to use their full brain potential?

Why do women wear clothes that accentuate their cleavage and then expect you to look at their eyes? ;)