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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

will watch will not
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 will watch (11)
 will not (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Please rate this trailer as either will watch or will not

will watch

Side Score: 17

will not

Side Score: 4

If only. ;)

Side: will watch

Amen brother!!!!!! .

Side: will watch
2 points

I would watch just about anything. I've seen gay Danish movies, straight Japanese movies, pedophilic Italian movies, the list goes on. Nothing offends me, so why not?

Side: will watch

Is it just me......or is this the best idea for a movie ever

Side: will watch
2 points

It isn't just you. .

Side: will watch

This movie looks fucking amazing, I'm downloading it right now, finally the undercurrent of cyncism at western worlds cultural garbage reaches the big screen.

Side: will watch
1 point

<.< I feel uncomfortable saying I want to watch this...

Oh, and when I saw the mature rating I was expecting something else from you Joe :3

Side: will watch
1 point

Hell yea I'd watch that... and im a bit ashamed to admit that I kinda sorta hope they don't get caught

Kind of like that "Dexter" series on Showtime.

... actually I really hope they don't get caught.

Side: will watch
1 point

Sure! Looks like fun! ;)

Side: will watch

hahaha, seems like a good one. The shooting makes me have second thoughts though. hmmm.....i ll watch it

Side: will watch

To me it is just a waste of time and money. Not my type of movie.

Side: will not

There has never been a black serial killer. Serial killers kill indiscriminately. Black people only kill people who are just begging for it :)

Side: will not
1 point

I will not watch this video. It doesn't really look good to me. Also a waste of time and a waste of a movie

Side: will not
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

I disagree, the movie calls to attention the degradation in culture that has taken place in the Western world. Pop/celebrity culture is an embarrassment to the human race, I don't beleive this culture should be encouraged as it has very little artistic or creative merit, it is anti-intellectual, it is completely neurotic, it glorifies the ego in way that forces people to conform to highly destructive (to the mind, personal happiness, freedom etc.) mode's of thought and behaviour.

Side: will watch