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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:14
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Post your midget jokes here.

Ii find midget jokes fall a little short.

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Today, I saw a midget prisoner climbing down a wall. As he turned and sneered at me, I thought: 'that's a little condescending'. ;)

He lost his footing. The prison had to make up for the shortfall. ;)

Pickpockets have begun targeting midgets. Seriously, who would stoop so low? ;)

A midget once asked to borrow money from me for bus fare, because he was a little short. ;)

Stop making fun of midgets, they have short tempers!!! ;)

I hit a midget's car with mine the other day. He looked at the damage and said, "I'm not happy..." to which I replied, "Well, which one ARE you? Grumpy?". ;)

Did you see that Broadway play about the dictionary? It, too, was a play on words.

Like a midget at a urinal, I have to stay on my toes. ;)

This isn't relevant but is there a such thing as giant midgets? ;)

1 point

Why did the midget get hit by a truck? cause the driver of the truck couldn't see him

1 point

this is messed up for those who are actually midgets and face many social, physical, and medical problems because of their physique...

It is extremely insensitive to the members in our society that are height challenged. I curse the people who created these jokes. I am merely the agent that shines a spot light on the ugliness that is our society in order to bring about much needed change. Please do not shoot the messenger ;)

1 point

Why do midgets always laugh when they run?....

because the grass tickles their nuts!