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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Never has, never will Give it more time
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Never has, never will (2)
 Give it more time (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should Hamas change their tactics? Does terrorism work?

Terrorism has not forced Israel to capitulate in the 40 years.  In the last "mini war," Israel lost 13 people and Palestinians lost around 1300.  Gorilla warfare is far more effective than terrorism.  Hamas should change tactics.

Never has, never will

Side Score: 3

Give it more time

Side Score: 4
2 points

It's the nature of the business.

If terrorism ever actually worked, there would be no one left to terrorize.

It's a con job, the leaders of these terrorist groups amass wealth and power, by convincing uneducated, misguided, and very poor people, to do these things under the guise that either they'll be rewarded in heaven, or they're somehow keeping future generations safe.

It's all BS, and will never work.

Side: Never has, never will

The only people that benefits from terrorism are the leaders of the terrorist movement because it keeps them in power. That is why the PLO was never really interested in making peace with Israel. Every time Israel retaliated, they got sympathy and money from other countries. The PLO was so corrupt that the Palestinians replaced them with Hamas. But Hamas is not above corruption. Hamas benefits while the Palestinians suffer the consequences.

Side: Never has, never will
2 points

Terrorism works but only against an occupation.

So if your country is occupied by a foreign force, then terrorism works wonders. The aim of the occupation is to apply the foreign brand of order, but if this cannot happen, then the occupation is a failure. The Vietnam War is a classic example where terrorism worked and now I think Iraq is the same. The public never supports the occupation of a country where their sons and daughters die on a daily basis due to roadside bombs and suicide bombers. At least not for long.

Terrorism on the other hand cannot do anything to take land that your people are not living on. That's the job of missiles and tanks.

Side: Give it more time
1 point

Of course it works. you see, Hamas is actually a created group by the Right Wing of the world that wants to encourage Patriotism in countries.

People only get Patriotic whenever their home is attacked by terrorists. Israelis are always patriotic people since they're constantly being attacked. Americans... not so much. A handful maybe, but most end up just bad mouthing their own country "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!" in the end.

Wait for another attack though. Then, instead of flag burning, people will be hanging flags up again.

Side: Give it more time
1 point

I know when they attack it will be something incredibly crazy and unexpected.

Side: Give it more time