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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes, that's funny. No, that's messy.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, that's funny. (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should cats be allowed to play with the popcorn used in packaging?

Yes, that's funny.

Side Score: 5

No, that's messy.

Side Score: 0

I'm just trying to work my way back up the leader board. It makes me feel old having all those young, whippersnappers, ahead of me. There ought to be a government program called, "No joe left behind" ;)

Side: Yes, that's funny.

YEAH, viral cat videos are just hilarious. More Cat Videos = More FUN. GO CATS!! ;)

Side: Yes, that's funny.

Sure! Cat's unlike babies are not stupid enough to try to eat the packaging.

The mess is a few minutes of sweeping, hardly an issue.

It's funny to some to see it stuck on them, with their very interesting faces.

Side: Yes, that's funny.

Have you ever tasted the biodegradable packaging popcorn before ?

Side: Yes, that's funny.

Does it taste like popcorn ;)

Side: Yes, that's funny.
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