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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Good compromise Bad compromise
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:25
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 Good compromise (8)
 Bad compromise (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should gays have a monopoly on the word gay and heteros on the word marriage?

OK, I'm just thinking out of my box here but....

When gays use the word "gay," they usually mean something positive.

When heterosexuals use the word "marriage," they usually mean something positive.

When heteros use the word "gay," they sometimes mean something derogatory.

When gays use the word "marriage," they mean something positive but some heterosexuals take it as something derogatory.

So we end up fighting about words.  Maybe we can end all the fighting if gays have an exclusive right to the word "gay" and heterosexuals have an exclusive right to the word "marriage."

OK, now you guys can put me back in my box.  I mean, who let me out anyway?  I shouldn't be thinking outside of my box ;)


Good compromise

Side Score: 11

Bad compromise

Side Score: 12

I know this will never work, but I just like pointing out how ridiculous this whole thing is ;)

Side: good compromise
1 point

I can live with that.

Plus there's millions of words for being a sick and twisted.

There's basically only one word for marriage.

They can have gay as a word.

Side: good compromise
2 points

I will go home sick from work today if you give me your address so that I may come punch you in the face.

Gays don't want exclusive rights to the word gay. That is a silly idea that Pyg is trying to advocate. It's totally untrue and silly.

We just don't want it used as a derogatory term, because it is insulting to gays.

Also, it's not a heteros vs gays thing. It's a Crazy Christians vs gays thing.

Side: Bad compromise

Have you seen my avatar/icon/picture lately? You just made my day.

I would give you the address of where I work because it has a big parking lot and... in the old days I could out run you, but I'm old now and you would probably catch me quite easily after a couple of laps but someone would come to my rescue seeing some young chic beating up on a poor, defenseless, old man. ;)

Side: Bad compromise
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Is it the evil dog from wallace and grommit?


Side: Bad compromise
1 point

...................................see no evil.....................................................................................)

Side: Bad compromise
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

"We just don't want it used as a derogatory term..

Crazy Christians....

derogatory term........

Crazy Christians.....

derogatory term.."

Hmmm, so it's only okay when you do it?

We are all victims of derogatory terms.

Poor crazy people, you're so inconsiderate. ): ..unless you meant it in a good way, as in you like crazy people.. so thanks, was it a compliment? Do you like Christians?

Side: good compromise
1 point

How stupid =/

Don't base what you say on what others think you should be "allowed" to say.

Side: Bad compromise