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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Cool!!! I can't sleep with music on.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Cool!!! (2)
 I can't sleep with music on. (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Should life come with background music?

Just like in the movies.

Staring:  You.


Side Score: 2

I can't sleep with music on.

Side Score: 4

Only if I can pick the music ;)

Side: Cool!!!

I always walk around with my headphones around my neck to produce this effect.

It goes along perfectly with my mysterious aura and aloofness.

When I enter a room in slow motion, with "Careless Whisper" by George Michael playing, it make da womenz wet their pantiez and makes others wonder "how the fuck does he do that?".

It definitely makes life much more interesting.

Side: Cool!!!
2 points

Hanging off some cliff somewhere, thinking "Will someone turn this damned suspense music off?"

Side: I can't sleep with music on.
1 point

Too much of anything is not God, well mostly everything but not all.

Side: I can't sleep with music on.
1 point

the music would be irratating after a period of time . :)

Side: I can't sleep with music on.