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Of course. Not my job mon.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Of course. (2)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should we help the homeless become healthy?

So this homeless guy had a sign that said, "Hungry.  Please help.  God bless."  But he must have weighed about 250 Lbs...., which..., now that I think about it, might explain why he was hungry...,  any way..., I was thinking about getting him a burger or something but then I realized that a burger is not really healthy and I can't afford to buy him a membership at one of the local Gyms.  See the dilemma?  After thinking about for a while it occurred to me that he wasn't going to starve to death because he could live off the fat stored on his body for quite some time, and if he did that, then he would lose weight, which is healthy, right?  I also remembered that you should exercise in order to be healthy.  So I called him over just as the light turned green.  I yelled, "Hurry!!!" and he ran towards me.  Exercise..., right?  But people started honking so I had to go..., feeling proud of myself for having helped a fellow human being become a little more fit.  It's a very rewarding feeling ;)

Of course.

Side Score: 2

Not my job mon.

Side Score: 0

As far as I'm concerned, people who honk their car horn at you, when you are trying to be a humanitarian, should be called honkies ;)

Side: Of course.
1 point

we should help the homeless, we're lucky we have homes, but the homeless dont, so we must help them by donating food and blankets

Side: Of course.
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