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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes OMG..., no!
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes (1)
 OMG..., no! (4)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should we trust facebook advice - must see - ?


Side Score: 2

OMG..., no!

Side Score: 4
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I didn't gain THAT much ;-)

Side: OMG..., no!
1 point

LOL, no. Hell no. We shouldn't trust it. :') And it's an individual person's fault if they get "so fat".

Side: OMG..., no!
garry77777(1796) Disputed
2 points

A reduced rate of metabolism has a lot to do with it as well, that's why it's a constant fight against the tide to stay slender, especially if you weren't naturally slender to begin with, that' why most middle aged people just settle down with someone and say, fuck it!!!!!!

Side: yes
1 point

As a general rule you should trust whatever you think it's logical or senseful. That case in particular is very subjective to each individual and to each manner of thinking, and even to each one's habits or metabolism. You can extract something from it, though: Telling yourself you're beautiful isn't such a bad advice. I have had problems with my looks in the past (even though beeing a male), and it's not very uncommon from teenager to have the same problems I had.

However, what is there is, overall, very poor in substance. And that's the first thing you should notice without the help of anyone else. Even if poor substance doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong, it usualy means it's not really apt to be considered worthy of notice.

Side: OMG..., no!
1 point

I rarely give advice, and I rarely accept advice. I am the best at deciding what I should do, how I should think, and so forth, for I am the only one who knows myself truly.

Side: OMG..., no!