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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:19
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 True (4)
 Wait..., what? No! (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

The REAL reason Casey Anthony and OJ got away with murder

People are basically waiting to die.
They are bored.
They have nothing better to do.
All they want is to be entertained while they wait.
If you give them that,
they will reward you by letting you get away with murder.
that and the fact that the jurors where picked from
among the same people who didn't know how to cast a ballot
for Gore and left hanging chads all over the place ;)


Side Score: 8

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 9

But this is a joe_cavalry debate on a social site..., so...., how much truth could one find here? ;)

Side: True
3 points

It looks like about as much truth as the jury has in the prosecution.

Side: True

It was because both where famous and the jury was affected by that.

Side: True

Casey Anthony or OJ Simpson didn't get away with murder. They were tried under the court of the law, and they were acquitted by a jury.

The full burden of prove in a criminal trial is the government, the defense doesn't have to prove anything. Since the government was unable to prove the evidence beyond an reasonable doubt, the jury had to acquit.

In the Deliverance, Burt Reynolds' character and his friends is an example of getting away with murder.


If someone shoots you in the face, and s/he is never put on trial, that is getting away with murder.

Simply being acquitted through trial by jury is not getting away with murder. That is the legal system.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
monkeyboy142(76) Disputed
1 point

oj got away with murder because glove drenched in blood did not fit and it shrunk like when you leave a shirt in a hot bath and it shrinks.

Side: True


that and the fact that the jurors where picked from

among the same people who didn't know how to cast a ballot

for Gore and left hanging chads all over the place ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Waiting to die? What a way to sit around waiting and wasting the precious time you have on earth...No one knows when they will take their last breathe....

The real reason they got away with because their particular juries who are made up of human beings from every walk of life, every race, religion.....different worldviews....are coming together to decide someones fate, based not only on evidence but opinion as well. One woman said that she did not like to judge. Why on earth she was not excused is beyond me. Jurys are there to JUDGE.

You could assemble twelve different people on another jury and they might get an opposite opinion.

I think the Casey Anthony jury was made up of liberals from what I heard. One guy had to go on a cruise the next there ya go. Many some of the jurors were just tired and wanted to go home........

What is hard to believe is that...IMO from the television I watched on this...what I read in magazine and watched on television....the majority of the population (including defense lawyers interviews) though there was enough evidence to convict. I have served on a jury and did not cave in to what the group wanted. Two of us held out...and it ended up being hung. I find it hard to beleive they unanimously all agreed on something like this.

Side: Wait..., What? No!


that and the fact that the jurors where picked from

among the same people who didn't know how to cast a ballot

for Gore and left hanging chads all over the place ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!

LMAO......yes I think your are more right than I am. Anyway I was so upset over the verdict...that I have not listened to anything about the case anymore.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

She was found not guilty because the prosecution couldn't prove their case. They had a very shaky cause of death, and everything after that was downhill. The jurors didn't want to spend the rest of their lives knowing they sent someone to their death based on such flimsy theories, that were without proof.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

1: OJ Simpson is innocent. Glove dont fit, you must have quit. Also when my dad was a little kid he signed many autographs for him. He says when he looked into OJ's eyes they weren't the eyes of a murderer.

2: That theory makes no sense. Why would we want people to die?

Side: Wait..., What? No!