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Debate Info

(A) Under! (B) Over!
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 (A) Under! (4)
 (B) Over! (2)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic

The most emotionally charged debate - Over or Under?

(A) Under!

Side Score: 4

(B) Over!

Side Score: 2
1 point

Because my wife says so! (She likes it to hang neatly, close to the wall.)

Side: (A) Under!
1 point

So.... you chose this side AND you're a liberal? That's 2 strikes against you ;)

Side: (A) Under!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

And they say BASEBALL Umpires need glasses! You choose the OTHER side and are conservative! I suggest bi-focals.

Side: (A) Under!
1 point

For anyone that owns a cat, you obviously have to default to under.

Side: (A) Under!

Generally over, but people who have kids/pets have an excuse for using under.

Side: (B) Over!
1 point

There's NEVER an excuse!!!

How can you be so understanding? This is CD. You're supposed to pick a side and blast the people who pick the other side. Another logically thought out argument like this from you and I may have to just ignore you ;)

Side: (B) Over!