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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 These are a few of my favorite things (2)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

What can I say except...., I hope you have the same sense of humor as me.... otherwise...., these videos may piss you off ;)

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So just a few days after Obama has lost his Albatross in being that his health care bill is gone. He now has decided to pick on the banks and break them up or in his words "A fight Im willing to have". After the banks paid back TARP with the Government making Billions of the interest. Im sorry but has he lost his mind? Seriously! The Dems are using their usual spin factor and calling it either a vote for the people or a vote for the banks. Only an ignorant person would believe this. Do you know that most people have no Idea that it was Government Regulation forcing banks to lend because of the Urban Housing Act of 1978 and Barney Frank stating that it is everyone’s right to own a home that help put into gear the Stated Income loans which was the main reason why the crash happened. Those loans are gone now the economy wants to recover. But Obama is mad that the banks have paid back the TARP faster than he ever anticipated and he has no control over them, which in my opinion why he is going after them. He is a fascist to the core. Why can't he praise the banks for doing the right thing. Right now the economy wants to hear encouraging words. Not this and especially not right after today being that the Loss Jobs report was another 445,000 claims, higher than experts even thought. Love the banks or hate them our economy needs them to be strong and not attacked by our president. Just for the record I'm not a banker I just have common sense about money, business and confidence in which a healing economy needs. Which this President has done neither. I'm a Republican who feels betrayed by him, and I hate to say that he is one of the most corrupt Presidents that I can recall. This whole war on the banks is wrong. If that is the case then he needs to break up GM and break up the Unions which is why they have their downfall in overpaying dollars per hour in a competitive industry which can’t compete. Or Fannie and Freddie what about them? They would have to go after there own congressman and tax them. It is a part of government that should not be allowed selected punitive and punishing those companies unfairly to the rest. Please block his rediculous plan and Republicans need to be vocal about the real reasons why the economy fails, government interfering with private sector. Obama doesn't have a Friskin Clue on fixing the economy he is clueless to what business needs or what people want for the economy.