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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yay (2)

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Transexual Marriage

1.  If one partner changes gender in a heterosexual marriage, are they still married?

2.  If one partner changes gender in a gay relationship, can they now get married?

3.  The partner that does not change gender has to decide what is more important; the person, or the naughty bits?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
2 points

1. If one partner changes gender in a heterosexual marriage, are they still married?..YES

2. If one partner changes gender in a gay relationship, can they now get married?...YES

3. The partner that does not change gender has to decide what is more important; the person, or the naughty bits?....YES....EVEN THOUGH THE NAUGHTY BITS ARE FUN BITS.

Side: Yay
1 point

A sex change operation is useful in a lesbian relationship where they keep on losing the strap-on.

Side: Yay
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