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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes, I saw with my own 2 eyes Nope. Never happened.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, I saw with my own 2 eyes (2)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Was the Pope and Nancy Pelosi on the same stage in front of a huge crowd.

Yes, I saw with my own 2 eyes

Side Score: 5

Nope. Never happened.

Side Score: 0

Apparently the Pope said, "Did you know that with just one little wave of MY hand I can make EVERY person in the crowd go crazy with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display like those of your political constituents, but will go deep into their hearts, and they will forever speak of this day and rejoice."

And Pelosi seriously doubted this, so she said, "One little wave of your hand, and all people will rejoice forever?? Show me."

So the Pope slapped her!!! And the crowd went wild!!!! ;)

Wait...., maybe I dreamed that ;)

Side: Yes, I saw with my own 2 eyes
2 points

She claims to be an ardent Catholic and yet is strongly in favor of killing babies and letting gays marry, which is against Catholic teaching. She tried explaining the Church's view on abortion and she was accosted by every bishop in the nation. So the Pope should slap her.

Side: Yes, I saw with my own 2 eyes
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