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Where do I get one? joe, are you OK? I'm scared.
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:27
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 Where do I get one? (7)
 joe, are you OK? I'm scared. (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

We should emulate some Muslim practices. Women should wear burkas.

Models do incredible things in order to try and maintain an impossible figure.  But since they can't reach perfection they call in the make-up crew and, when that fails, they finally call in Photoshop.  Normal women then try to reach this lofty ideal.  Why spend time learning math when that time could be used dieting, exercising, and shopping for the latest fashion in the hopes of hooking and landing a rich doctor?  The competition is fierce.  So fierce in fact that most women would welcome the change.  Oh sure, drop-dead gorgeous women will resist; why give up a clear advantage?  But the rest will be more than happy to say goodbye to Brazilian wax jobs and become reacquainted with lard laden foods.


Burkas will solve other problems as well.  No more trophy wives; no more paparazzo;  no more antics on the red carpet during the Oscars; no more artists depicting women in sexually cherged poses.  And quite possibly..., no more porn.  But porn is resilient.  It improvises, it adapts, it overcomes ;)


Burka: an idea whose time has come.  Search for them on the internet.  Don't wait; buy one today.


Where do I get one?

Side Score: 13

joe, are you OK? I'm scared.

Side Score: 12

Burkas are hot..., literally ;)

I'm sweating just thinking about it.

Side: Where do I get one?
2 points

They should be allowed to, but not be forced to.

Side: joe, are you OK? I'm scared.
2 points

Islam is a not a religion against women, but Muslim social traditions & behavior are. It would be probably better if we don't adapt this behavior too.

Side: joe, are you OK? I'm scared.
1 point

I think this kind of clothing is used in Arab area because the climate is quite extreme. The sun can burn your skin, so it better they wear that kind of cloth. But that just stupid to wear that kind of clothing in moderate or friendly climate. How are we gonna differentiate the people if everyone appears just the same...faceless.

Side: joe, are you OK? I'm scared.