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true false
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:34
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 true (7)
 false (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

We should help people reach hell, not heaven


If I make it to heaven, I don't want it to be crowded.

If I end up in hell..., I want company to help pass eternity.


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 20
4 points

Hell yeah! Hell is going to be one big ass party! The devil isn't all uptight like the other guy... you can do whatever you want in Hell!

Side: true
2 points

I find the notion of waiting for the final day of judgement quite hilarious, you don't have to wait to see hell, just to go some parts of the third world, people (by "people" I mean crazy evangelicals) in the West have the luxury of being able to anticipate hell, some people aren't so lucky;-)

Side: true
Hellno(17724) Clarified
1 point

America is the Devil and has created Hell on Earth, right?

Side: true
2 points

~Sees debate title: "We should help people reach hell, not heaven"~

~Thinks to himself: "Oh, thats gotta be joecavalry.."~

~Clicks link and sees familiar 'laughing dog'.gif~


It’s a hard decision to be honest. Even as a kid when I attended Sunday school, I used to imagine what heaven and hell would be like and think to myself that heaven seems very dull and boring.

How fun would it be to live in a place where we would have to suppress all of our natural inclinations? Also, there’s no reproduction in heaven so by Christian standards it would be immoral to have sex based on carnal desire, and sex is fuckin great!

Hell on the other hand... it’s warm, and there are all those bad ass looking creatures and demons actually URGING you to go have fun! Sure you may have to be incinerated once in a while or be tortured by demons and other occupants in hell, but you don’t die, so who cares? Besides, I like weeping and gnashing my teeth, I do it all the time in the subway to make people leave me alone.

You Christians can have your heaven.

Side: true
pancake(143) Disputed
2 points

How fun would it be to live in a place where we would have to suppress all of our natural inclinations?

I don't think those inclinations could exist in the Christian Heaven. So nothing to suppress. :P

Side: false
2 points

yeah, i figured.




Side: false
Vermink(1942) Disputed
2 points

I don't believe that the devil lets you do what you want in hell he gets those "demons" that you call fun to torture you for eternity not to encourage you! In my opinion when I'm dead I hope to go to heaven and not be in that torture.

Side: false

Am I that predictable ;)

Side: true

Will you people help me in my endeavor? ;)

Side: true
2 points

Actually we should help people to get to heaven not hell. Hell is a place of torment and you will suffer for all eterntiy there if you disobey God's laws but if you change and be a Christian and dwelling on His Word and living like he said you should then you could get to heaven but getting to heaven is not easy all Christians have to pass a narrow gate. Wide it is to get to hell but narrow it is to get to heaven.. Heaven you can worship Jesus Christ and you will actually see Him in Heaven with your other brothers and sisters in Christ. There is a lot of space in Heaven.

Side: false
Coldfire(998) Disputed
2 points

Just a few questions if you don't mind, neither are really related so feel free to answer some and not others, but I would like you to answer them all please.

1. Do you know of anyone that you want to go to hell?

2. Do you know of anyone who you love, that is heading in the direction of hell?

3. Could you enjoy your afterlife in heaven knowing that a person you love is burning in hell?

4. If you did something wrong, do you think that the punishment of eternal torture is preferable to the punishment of a set amount of time?

5. Do you think an eternal punishement is just? or moral?

6. Do people change?

7. Do people learn from their mistakes?

8. Does the concept of eternal punishment (or eternal reward for that matter) take into consideration whether or not people change or learn from their mistakes?

Side: true
pancake(143) Disputed
2 points

I know these questions weren't directed toward me so just ignore me if you'd like ;P

3. Could you enjoy your afterlife in heaven knowing that a person you love is burning in hell?

Are you asking how the Christian Heaven could be 'supreme happiness' if there are still elements about it that could make one sad?

Side: false
Srom(12120) Disputed
2 points

1. Do you know of anyone that you want to go to hell?

Nope I don't know anyone that I want to go to hell. I want my friends and people I know to go to heaven.

2. Do you know of anyone who you love, that is heading in the direction of hell?

Nope because most of my family is Christian.

3. Could you enjoy your afterlife in heaven knowing that a person you love is burning in hell?

If someone I loved didn't make it to heaven then I wouldn't be able to worry about that because once you are in heaven there is no worries,pain, suffering, and you focus on Jesus Christ and worship Him! You would be mostly focusing on God rather then that person.

4. If you did something wrong, do you think that the punishment of eternal torture is preferable to the punishment of a set amount of time?

What do you mean by that?

5. Do you think an eternal punishement is just? or moral?

I think it is right because they had 1 life to live on this earth to serve God and they choosed to not serve Him and it was there fault that they didn't search God and took the time to actually serve Him.

6. Do people change?

Yes people can change

7. Do people learn from their mistakes?

Yes people learn from their mistakes.

8. Does the concept of eternal punishment (or eternal reward for that matter) take into consideration whether or not people change or learn from their mistakes?

Yes if you go to hell just to examine the place and be there and to see how it is. Many people would say to you that to serve Jesus and you don't want to be in place that they are constantly suffering. Then if you saw how people were suffering in Hell you would realize that you should serve Jesus and repent for what you have been doing.

Side: false
Srom(12120) Disputed
2 points

I am still waiting for your response. I wrote and replied to your answer.

Side: false
2 points

Lol, as if anyone needs help breaking all those rules. ;P

Side: false

It would be more crowded in Hell because wide is the gates to Hell and narrow is the gates to Heaven. Anyways I am not going to Hell I am going to Heaven and going to do what Jesus said at the end of Matthew.

Side: false
2 points

Amazing how people WANT to go to Hell.. I bet it'd be a "rave" being killed time and time again throughout eternity, having no hope for any kind of happiness, and being seperated from God..

Side: false