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 What are some of the stupidest arguments you have gotten yourself into? (4)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

What are some of the stupidest arguments you have gotten yourself into?

All we do here on CD is argue.  What are some of the stupidest arguments you've been involved in?

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2 points

I once somehow got stuck in an argument about "Blackholes vs. Jesus".

what happened was, my friend mentioned that a blackhole would have to be more powerful than God if God existed, and I said "If God existed, he would be all powerful and would not get sucked into a black hole". He made an analogy about a scientist who creates a robot who is more powerful than him, and I told him that God is different from a human scientist. Then, he started telling people that I believed that Jesus was more powerful than a black hole. So every once in a while he tries to point out that I believe that Jesus is more powerful than a black hole.

We get into a lot of stupid debates like that. You can probably tell that I'm the Left Brain one and he's the Right Brain one. Two hemispheres of the world's most intelligent being.

Side: Black Holes vs Jesus

OK, I loled for about 5 minutes. The deserves an up vote. I'd give you more if I could ;)

Side: Black Holes vs Jesus

I clicked on the link and read some of the things Mil and his girlfriend have argued about in the past and I'm surprised that they have managed to stay together for this long. It gives me hope that liberals and conservatives wont kill each other ;)

Side: Black Holes vs Jesus
1 point

Whether the earth is tilted on a 23 degree axis, how crazy normal people are.

Side: Black Holes vs Jesus