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Debate Score:12
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 What exactly is safe and available in this hotel room? Isn't that illegal? (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What exactly is safe and available in this hotel room? Isn't that illegal?

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Well...., I guess it ain't gonna suck itself ;)

I only see a man reading a book. It looks like an ad or its telling you you can keep your things in a safe of you want. I do not find anything odd about this picture.

Thats what they want you to see, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

Ohhhhhhhhh my now I see it okay. Didn't even notice that before lol.

That's the optimist being proven in you. I am so pessimistic it took me a few tries, even after reading your comment, to see the book.

Still every time I look back I have to adjust my eyes to a book.

Lol. I literally didn't see it at first. I just saw the book and assumed it was a book. It took me a while.

If you saw anything but a man reading a book or paper with his legs crossed; The internet has ruined you.

What? Is he masturbating to a porno mag of something? .