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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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If that was the case then... That can't be the case because
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 If that was the case then... (2)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What if the existence of life after death doesn't require the existence of God?

What if the existance of life after death doesn't require the existence of GOD? What if when we die we can just do whatever and go wherever? Why would the spiritual world require a governing body, a set of laws and a law enforcement agency? Why can't we be our own God? Why can't people and spirits just leave me the f*ck alone?  I'm going to hell, ain't I ;)

If that was the case then...

Side Score: 2

That can't be the case because

Side Score: 0

It's hard to believe that there's a supreme being that is content to listen to people whine and complain about stuff and also happy to answer people's stupid, self absorbed, selfish, prayers. I guess it could be considered a perk to be able to whippe them off the face of the earth and start anew but that sounds like a lot of work. I mean, if it was me, I would just walk away from the whole mess. And given the shape the world is in, I'm not convinced He hasn't done just that. In fact, I'm willing to bet that the liberals were the ones who drove Him to leave ;)

Side: If that was the case then...
1 point

Certainly possible, but just like the existence of a god, there is no reason to believe that that is the case.

Side: If that was the case then...
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