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Fat bottom girls. It takes all kinds.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Fat bottom girls. (1)
 It takes all kinds. (3)

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jolie(9809) pic

What makes the world go 'round?

Fat bottom girls.

Side Score: 1

It takes all kinds.

Side Score: 3
1 point

I was going to say gravity and mass but then I realized fat bottom girls do indeed contribute greatly to our planet's gravity and mass.

Side: Fat bottom girls.
1 point

What makes the world go 'round?

The gravitational pull of our nearest star, which is some 93 million miles away. It's gravitational attraction to our planet causes us to both rotate on a 22.4 degree axis--at the rate of one rotation every 24 hours--and also to orbit the star in an eccliptical orbit at the rate of one orbit every 365 days. A period of time that homo sapiens living on this planet refer to as a year.

Further, our rotation speed is about 1200 mph.

Our orbital speed is approx. 66,000 mph.

Additionally, our solar system and the Galaxy we reside in are also rotating around a giant Black Hole, approx. 50,000 light years away, which is at the center of our Galaxy.

Hope this helps.

If you have any more Cosmology questions please ask.

I almost decided to major in Cosmology instead of Biology at one point. But in the end I felt I could do more good for fellow man in Biology.


Side: It takes all kinds.
1 point

i become very lonley then I remember that she waits for me in the darkness it sounds so small but fills me with wonder_ do not forget

Side: It takes all kinds.
1 point

I'm afraid that fat bottomed girls only make the world of Rock go 'round.

Side: It takes all kinds.