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 What's your best "A man walks into a bar..." joke? (4)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

What's your best "A man walks into a bar..." joke?

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3 points

A guy walks into a bar and asks, "Barkeep! Can I get a tab?"


Another guy walks into the bar and asks, "One beer please! And a tab!"

"You bet!"

Yet another guy walks into the bar and asks, "Two tabs please! Feeling lucky tonight!"

"Sure thing!"

The last guy walks into the bar and says, "Cosmo and a tab please!"

"No pro-" the barkeep suddenly freezes mid movement. Then he un-pauses briefly and says, "Sorry, I gotta force myself to quit," and then he walks away.

The first guy walks up too the last guy and says, "Oops, looks like we opened up too many tabs."

Just another bad day at the Task Bar.

Supporting Evidence: Tab, by 'kris-wilson (
2 points

Wanna hear a funny one? (50 characters piss off)

An Irish man walks out of a bar.

A man walks into a bar and says, "Ouch!"

You see the man was drunk and he missed the door and literally walked into... oh forget it..., if I have to explain it, it loses the funny factor ;)