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 What would we do without Facebook? (13)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

3 points

Well I'm not a facebook fan but I can imagine that a facebook fan without facebook would create another facebook lol .

Probably spend more time on CD ;)

People would probably move to Myspace.

1 point

Those stats were crazy.. I'm so glad I've a fake account on Fb!

1 point

Consider what people did before Facebook was created. It wasn't that long ago, and i don't think we were all that primitive.

If anything, Facebook has caused people to communicate more and keep in contact with many people than before it was created. I know this is true in my case, I travel a lot and even though I don't spend much time on Facebook (had to make it my homepage just so I don't forget to check it, as it is my alternative to email) I still know that if I ever need to get in touch with someone and i don't have their number, its very quick and easy with Facebook.

I would do what I usually do, play and have fun without facebood!!!!!!!!!( I know i said facebood).

People will run around their locality with pictures of themselves, new puppy, their new car or their next meal, and show them to strangers screaming in their face, "Do you like this?"

Joe_cavalry liked this. ;)

ricedaragh liked this .

1 point

I dont have a Facebook and dont really need one. Too many people addicted to facebook. Trying to "Update their status" every day.

Without facebook, we would join Google plus ;-)

1 point

As if Facebook data mining wasn't enough, I'm sure Google will connect advertisers directly to Google + profiles.

Embrace the chaos ;-)