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I've always thought that Wait...., What? No!
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:26
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 I've always thought that (11)
 Wait...., What? No! (8)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.

If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.

If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.

If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.

If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.

She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So..., if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.  ;)

I've always thought that

Side Score: 14

Wait...., What? No!

Side Score: 10

While the C-5 was turning over its engines, a female crewman gave the G.I.s on board the usual information regarding seat belts, emergency exits, etc.

Finally, she said, 'Now sit back and enjoy your trip while your captain, Judith Campbell, and crew take you safely to Afghanistan'.

An old Master Sgt. sitting in the eighth row thought to himself, 'Did I hear her right? Is the captain a woman? '

When the attendant came by he said 'Did I understand you right? Is the captain a woman?'

“Yes!” said the attendant, 'In fact, this entire crew is female.'

'My God,' he said, 'I wish I had two double scotch and sodas. I don't know what to think with only women up there in the cockpit.'

'That's another thing, Sergeant,' said the crew member, 'We No Longer Call It The Cockpit' 'It's The Box Office.' ;)

Side: I've always thought that

Drawing a woman from the inside out. Someone put a HUGE amount of work into this. Now this is amazing! Please click on the link and be prepared to be amazed!!

Side: I've always thought that
1 point

Yes. Yes, we will. :P Especially the last part. Oh so true. :D

Except most likely? You give me a smile, and all you'll get is a smile back and either a happy few seconds of "Teehee" or a quick retreat from the creeper. :P

Side: I've always thought that
1 point

I know a woman that can make a penis grow. If you give her a limp one, she'll make it so that it is no longer limp. It's really quite amazing! A really neat trick once you've mastered it.

Side: I've always thought that
yesiam(28) Disputed
2 points

Um...I'm a man, and I can make a penis grow the same way. Just ask your dad.

Side: Wait...., What? No!
1 point

While this is a comment that would usually get a down vote, I'm gonna up vote you for that KICK ASS zinger.

Side: Wait...., What? No!
1 point

.I knew it!!...........................................................................................................:)

Side: I've always thought that

OK, so i better not give you any crap, right? I mean, I don't need a ton of shit ;)

Side: I've always thought that
1 point

I dont play with shit., but i have been known to throw other things.,..whats the moon doing your end Joe?;)

Side: I've always thought that
2 points

This is retarded and was probably written by some house wife pseudo feminist cunt.

Except for the first one, a man can do any of that shit. And there are plenty of women whom if you give them that shit, they'll say "fuck you and cook your own shit".

Side: Wait...., What? No!
1 point

Lol. It is retarded. I'm all for respecting women but saying they can do better than men is retarded. HOWEVER.. the point is, whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.. it's probably true. But it also applies to men, old people, younger kids, republicans, democrats, labour, tories etc. Anybody can make anything greater. Nothing special.

Side: Wait...., What? No!
Apple(1) Disputed
1 point

Open Your mind and Heart a bit . . . what You say is rude and thoughtless ( PS: thoughtless doesnt mean You cant think ( - ;

Of course men can do that stuff too . . .

But most women will give of themselves to the one they Love and care for to create a better life for both . . .

Yes there will be times of trouble . . . No relationship is perfect . . . but if You work together and work at the relationship You will be rewarded with many years of Love ad Happiness . . .

Side: I've always thought that
1 point

This Argument is flawed in that all that has been done is a pick and choose of good things. If this statement really is true, i'd like one of you to explain to me why my bank account when given to my wife didn't not grow greater as you all seem to believe =P.

Side: Wait...., What? No!

I think that you are assuming that "greater" is a good thing.

If you give her your back account, she will give you bills.

In other words, more bills. And also, ever increasing bills. Bills of imaginable size. ;)

Side: Wait...., What? No!

Give her AIDS and she gives you...? .

Side: Wait...., What? No!

... more trouble than you can handle ;)

Side: Wait...., What? No!