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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Which computer is better? (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Which computer is better?

Is it the one with the most killer bites?

Or the one with the Mega hurts?

Or the one with the biggest har drive (no floppies)?

Or the one with the biggest Ram?

Or the one with the biggest screen (does size still matter)?

Or the Linus one or the fruity one?

Or a laptop (do they vibrate when you play music.... wait, that's a lap dance ;) ?

Or one without wires (wireless)?

This is all so confusing ;)

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This debate is so stupid I almost didn't post anything but I just can't help myself. I see a stupid debate and I just have to post ;)

Just let the people at Fry's decide for you.

xander(438) Disputed
1 point

You added this debate! You are such a goober.

Also, you forgot PC or Mac- inexpensive versus awesome and sexy, but superduper expensive.

Hey, I'm way behind. I needed the points. How else am i going to get back on top ;)

I'll stay with my supercharged Dell XPS!!! ```````````````````````````````

Damn! You got a better computer than me! But I still manage to post more crap ;)

Yep, mine didn't come with the crap warranty either, lol!

1 point

I tend to stay away from pre-built machines, especially Dell and their customised hardware which ties you into using them exclusively for upgrades, etc. You'll find it cheaper to build your own, or even pay someone a bit to put a customised one together for you.

1 point

Perhaps little more expensive when you buy it at first, but you can't beat the almost unlimited choices of different prices and upgrades compatibility thereafter when you have a clone PC.

As far as MAC goes....good software, ok on hardware, but when it comes to the price, God forbid.......unless you are more into the way the product looks rather than the way it performs. I always say "get your money's worth"

Side: unlimited compatibility vs cheaper crap