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 Who the hell does this president think he is? (8)

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Who the hell does this president think he is?

**Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a long-time climate change denier, said the president was planning to commit the U.S. to emissions standards set by House legislation that is stalled in the Senate.**

Our constitution doesn't give the president the authority to do that.

**"And I think it's certainly disingenuous to mislead countries into thinking that a president is -- you know, this is not a kingdom, He's not able to do that." said Inhofe**

**In reality, President Obama is merely planning to pledge a provisional target -- "the first time in more than a decade that an American administration has offered even a tentative promise to reduce production of climate-altering gases."**

But still..., he is clearly over stepping his bounds!  This is not a monarchy.

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2 points

he thinks very highly of himself because he is popular for being the first "black" president even though i say he is not at least in my mind

1 point

Is a zebra black or white?

Obama's as black as he's white lol.

2 points

oh i finally get it, looooooooooooooool is like saying laugh out loud just with a few to many outs so it would be grammatically incorrect and i bet its more like laughing quietly to yourself in your underwear

1 point

Would someone grant me the intelligence that is required to understand how a man who is equally black and white is black?

Or am I the only person that knows he is a halfrican-american?

Moreover, why do people dishonor both him and his mother by ignoring his white heritage? Would that be because they (typical americans) are racist?

BLAH blah bl b!

The question ought to be: Who do americans think he is? Not who does he think himself to be.

1 point

May it be clearly understood that I despise piss-poor thinking, not the piss-poor thinkers.

Perhaps if people were more discerning and a whole lot less selfish, Obama may have helped make the US a better country. But, it seems as though Obama has no choice other than to help the majority who want to help themselves by everyone, globally.

2 points

he thinks hes the greatest man in the world because he "has" done so much for the u.s. by putting this country in debt and lieing to us! :D and were putting more troops in war when he said he was taking them out :) fuckin liar....

Obama is going to get what is coming to him I wish people could have seen him as he was and not enfranchise him as a president because he is sure not my president and I mean it.

OK, this Hopey-Changey thing is just not working for me. ;)