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 Why do girls check out other girls? (11)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Why do girls check out other girls?

Admit it, many straight women spend more time checking each other out than they do the opposite sex.

Women are checking out the competition and identifying who the alpha female in the pack is.  The alpha female may be the biggest threat, yet she’s also the one with whom women want to align. Being close to her gives status.  And what better way is there to get close to her than through flattery?

“My advice to those who keep comparing themselves to other women? Go and do something with your time that gives you a greater sense of self. Pick up a hobby, learn a language, enrich your life.”


joe - Or just get a freaking education so that you don't have to rely on a man.  Learn to take care of yourself instead of letting someone take care of you.  Rely on your abilities, not your looks.  Don't compare yourself to bimbos.  Compare yourself to eucated women.  It's easier, and more healthy, to educate yourself than it is to try and maintain your looks well into your later years.



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2 points

Because women respect beauty. This society has warped them into thinking they need to look beautiful. So when they see other beautiful women they become envious or want to be friends with them because they have the same respect of beauty that they have!

Society also makes people think that being smart is for the geeks and nerds. So they would rather look beautiful and use their good looks rather than be smart and use their...smarts! Because a lot of them have the notion that beauty will get them anywhere!!! And it can, when you can just fuck your boss to get promotions and hardly have to do any real work!!! The western society that is.

This is mostly the case.

Ahhhhh!!!!! Society!!!!

1 point

I agree. We look at other women and see their attributes, and try to be like them if we think they are beautiful. We look at their flaws, and then compare their flaws to our won, which will either make us feel better about ourselves or make us feel worse.

Victoria's Secret should invent a bra for our frontal lobes ;)

1 point

Why you got a saggy frontal lobe?

I burned my bra and my draft card a long time ago.

I think we need to make our frontal lobes more sexier ;)

1 point

Um... have you seen girls? They're kind of hot.

Though I agree with the last part, which is kind of ironic...

Excuse me but, you'll have to step away from all that flammable material. You are creating a fire hazard ;)

1 point

Well obviously and undoubtedly, it's because they want the V.