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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Is life better because of this What else would you be doing
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Is life better because of this (1)
 What else would you be doing (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Why..., in my day..., we didn't have stuff like this.

I must admit..., that kid is creative.

So..., not to be outdone,

I thought of a new way to use the Affirmitive and Negative Position options

Namely, ask more than one question.


BTW, I'd like to give a shout out to a veteran CDer.

Here's an example of what was happening back then:

Oh..., and there was silly stuff back then also ;)

Is life better because of this

Side Score: 1

What else would you be doing

Side Score: 2

I don't know if it's better..., but it sure is different ;)

Side: Is life better because of this

If it wasn't for the internet..., I would probably be watching TV. At least the internet is more interactive ;)

Side: What else would you be doing
1 point

Looks like one of those funny mirrors at the carnival except this kid is video taping it. The added technology of being able to record it without a lot of money or equipment is the only difference.

Side: ssdd