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Why tip a 17 year old G-String Teen's will spend it on booze
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Why tip a 17 year old G-String (5)
 Teen's will spend it on booze (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Why is it ok to put $1 in a stripper's 17 year old G-String but not OK to....

put a $1 in a 17 year old stripper's G-String?

Why tip a 17 year old G-String

Side Score: 6

Teen's will spend it on booze

Side Score: 6

I don't even think such a thing exists. I mean...., what's the life expectancy of a G-String anyway? I'm sure they don't last that long. I doubt they get past the first time in the wash. I've lost lots of socks in the wash and they have a hell of a lot more material than your typical G-String. Or so they tell me. I mean, I'm not speaking from experience or anything (not that I ever do) but still ;)

Side: Why tip a 17 year old G-String
1 point

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww...WTF! I plead ignorance on this topic. Funny though.

Side: Why tip a 17 year old G-String

A teenage stripper would spend the money on booze and it's illegal for them to drink and I wouldn't want to be the one contributing to the delinquency of a minor ;)

Side: Teen's will spend it on booze
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
2 points

That's a bit insulting. If I want to drink I'll do it at home. But I never saw much of the point. And I think a majority of strippers, young ones who've just started, are doing it for school or the family. Not booze.

Side: Teen's will spend it on booze

I intended the comment to be funny. Not insulting. Kinda like when people say, "I wouldn't give that homeless person a quarter. He would probably end up buying booze with it." Which always made me wonder, "So? Wouldn't you get drunk if you were homeless?" ;)

Side: Teen's will spend it on booze