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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:21
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 Women should bare 40 per cent of their bodies to attract men (12)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Women should bare 40 per cent of their bodies to attract men

but only if they are available.  If they are not available they should cover up with a burka ;)

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2 points

Okay. Thats retarded... No woman needs to show 40% of her body to attract a man. What happens when girls who are married wanna wear shorts.. Thats almost 40% of her body right there. This is a stupid argument and I am totally guessing that this is a man who can't find a woman who is wanting this!! STUPID

Avedomni(78) Disputed
1 point

No woman needs to show 40% of her body to attract a man.

The article isn't claiming that a woman needs to do anything to attract a man, it's stating that a woman who bares 40% of her skill will attract the most men, which is a perfectly believable proposition.

What happens when girls who are married wanna wear shorts.. Thats almost 40% of her body right there.

And she will probably attract a large number of men, particularly if she is in a club (which is the area in which the study was performed). Of course, the study also used assumptions of 15% per leg, so showing off both legs but nothing else would only be 30%. Shorts + T-shirt would be about 40%, and I have no problem believing that such a clothing combination is considered attractive by a large number of men.

1 point

THis makes no sense, so you want all 'single' women to become sluts, showing most of their body to the world? If you really want to see women practically naked rent a porno, perverted much? Just because you cant get your own girlfriend doesnt mean the rest of the women population has to stupe to your level

Side: Hell NO
Avedomni(78) Disputed
1 point

THis makes no sense, so you want all 'single' women to become sluts, showing most of their body to the world?

1) A woman's choice of clothing does not determine whether or not she is a slut.

2) 40% is not "most"; by the article's standards it's shorts and a t-shirt.

Side: Hell NO
1 point

Dude... That's really sexist... Women have minds of their own, they're not little dolls, that look pretty just because you want them to, and when you think about, they kind of already do nowadays. The head, both arms, belly cut tank tops, and short-shorts. That itself is like 45%... So Yeah...

Side: Hell NO

If they show more than 40% then they are probably unfaithful. Hey, I don't make this stuff up ;)

Side: Hell NO
0 points

Lol I just HAD to downvote the idiots in this debate. Firstly Joe is clearly talking about an article and not his personal beliefs.

Secondly... fuck off. What about the ugos? like the ones on this site. The more THEY cover up the higher a chance they have. lol.

Side: Hell NO
0 points

For shitsake i knew before i got here joe would be the creator. who else would be responsble for such a stupid debate.oooh lucky joe ,theres another five points to keep you in the lead...tah i looked at the link and whoopie bloody do... youre not very creative joe... your just a sap.who gives a shit what women wear, beside those four perverts, who did the research and yourself. oh and of course your battyboy kinda.

Side: Hell NO

Hey I'm not saying that this is right or wrong. I'm just saying, "Look at what I found on the internet. What do you think?"

Side: Hell NO
dacey(1040) Disputed
1 point

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeh right.not that your an instigator of stirring shit.just saying .and i looked and i told you what i thought.

Side: Hell NO
0 points

really the research doesnt prove anthing about womens behaviour, it just proves how shallow men are.

Side: Hell NO