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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yeah, cool! Nah
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Yeah, cool! (3)
 Nah (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

For Halloween so that I can scare some kids ;)

Side: Yeah, cool!
1 point

Yeah I would... Back to where I started from...............................!

Side: Yeah, cool!

Well...., no...., you would have to go back a little further than that.

BTW, if you ever feel like you suck at something and you're feeling down and you want to feel better, just remember when you were in a giant swimming marathon against millions and you won!

I remember hours before that marathon, my friend Smitty. He used to train REAL hard and we would make fun of him. While he trained, I goofed off. He would always tells us, "Yeah, you laugh now but I'll get the last laugh. Someday...., I'm going to grow up to be a man!"

So a few hours, before the swimming marathon that I won, he and a million others took off on a pre-swimming-marathon. Smitty was way ahead of the pack. I guess all that training was paying off for him but this was one race he did not want to be in. I kept on yelling after him, "Smitty..., wait..., comeback!"

Bu he wouldn't listen. He just kept going and screaming, "You guys are just trying to hold me back so that I won't win. But I am going to win and I'm going to grow up to be a man!"

I tried to explain, "Smitty wait! You don't understand! Smitty...."

But before I could finish my sentence, he was about to cross the point of no return towards the finish line. Except there was no finish line to this race. I don't even know if he ever heard my last words to him, "Smitty....., it's only a blow job!!!!"

And that's the last I saw of poor old Smitty. A few hours later a million more of us lined up for the "REAL" swimming marathon and I won. I grew up to be a man. But thinking about Smitty still brings tears to my eyes. But that doesn't keep me from rubbing one out every once in a while ;)

Side: Yeah, cool!
2 points

WTF?! That is some funny stuff... I loved grandma and baby !

Side: Nah
2 points

No, I wouldn't buy one, but they are sure creepy funny !

Side: Nah

I'll just hang onto my money rather than buy that. I'll find more constructive ways to spend my money. SORRY!

Side: Nah