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Debate Score:19
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joecavalry(40163) pic

was the declaration of independence illegal?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 8
1 point

If the BBC said it, it's fact. America should be frozen out by the rest of the world until they repent against their law-breaking ways and become a colony again.

Side: Yes!

I wish we do isolate ourselves from the rest of the world until they came back crawling for forgiveness ;-)

Side: Yes!
2 points

I must, however disagree with this particular statement. That happened years ago. If every country was held responsible for generations after they did something wrong...well basically every country in the world would be ostracized, particularly the US, Germany, England and Italy.

Besides, us being the rude and boisterous Americans we are, if the rest of the world froze us out, we would likely just nuke 'em.

Side: Yes!
2 points

Freeze us out, we'll be fine, but you'll have to take all the illegals since they're not supposed to be here anyway.

Side: Yes!

I hate to agree with Axmeister, my British nemesis :P but it was, in fact, illegal. The colonists were rebelling against British authority, and technically what the Americans were doing qualified as treason. By drawing up and signing the Declaration, they were denouncing the King, Parliament and England as a whole.

Side: Yes!

Yeah, well...., we committed treason and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it. Might makes right. ;)

I mean, who gave England the "authority" to "create" colonies?

I believe that when a group of people get sick and tired of the rest of the group, they should be allowed to secede. But that's just me ;)

Side: Yes!
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps by British law it was illegal, but what nation would make secession legal? By international law it was legal because it was recognized by other sovereign States.

Side: No.

Oh...., I thought it was legal because we kicked their collective assess ;)

Side: No.

If the Brits don't like it, we can kick their asses again. Maybe the second time around they'll see it our way ;-)

Side: No.
Axmeister(4322) Disputed
1 point

"we can kick their asses again"

What kind of history did they teach at your school?

Side: Yes!

Well..., what's your version of the events ;-)

Side: Yes!

What kind did they teach at yours? ;)

Side: Yes!
1 point

If it is recognized by other sovereign states, and it was, then it is legal.

Side: No.
1 point

We are no longer a colony and if it wasn't for us. The UK would be speaking German right now.

If the Declaration of Independence was to be considered illegal. Should the Magna Carta be considered illegal as well?

Side: No.