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Aizen_Knaik's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Aizen_Knaik's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It's best for us to respect everyone's beliefs so that we could avoid the possibility of conflict. Whatever the belief of a person, for example, we should not say anything offensive for the sake of spreading peace. I know well that 'complete' peace is difficult to attain in this chaotic world but, as much as possible, we should try to alleviate the cause of wayward conflict. If we know, for example, that a person is practicing a wrong belief, we just have to reserve our words if we know in ourselves that we can't say anything good or anything that would please that person. If a particular group of men tend to practice things that would surely make them go to Hell after their death, we should better let them do so. After all, it is not us who will suffer. And also, we should remember that 'respect' is a character that should be stipulated in every religion, culture as well as traditions. By that, I believe, we could live a peaceful life as compare to not showing respect at all.

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