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AltonSmith's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AltonSmith's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

She is highly reasonable and can appeal to voters, so there is a possibility.

1 point

The quotes in the description hinted at the possibility that it was not completely serious.

1 point

I had considered the possibility that there is some humor involved.

1 point

This debate's description suggests that there is more rationality elsewhere in the universe and that the mentally compromised are sent to Earth. There is no evidence to support this claim, and as such it must be disputed.

1 point

Actually, in a capitalist system, everybody has the capability to start a business and become affluent, unlike socialist systems in which everybody (except for the government), is limited by the economic regulations.

1 point

As a metaphor, it demonstrates the lower quality that is inevitably generated in a socialist society.

1 point

This scenario simplifies the issues to an extent but it still accurately demonstrates the problems associated with socialism. Socialism does eliminate incentive and innovation because it begins to reduce the monetary rewards (such as profit) that businesses and entrepreneurs experience in capitalist systems.

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