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Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I DON'T go after elk with an AR-15

What size round do you use for Elk hunting?

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

That's mostly what they do .

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Most of mine wouldn't be ideal anyway. .

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I always took you for a molotov cocktail kind of guy. Not a thrower so much. But the guy who makes them for others to throw.

1 point

The pool comparison is completely independent of your striking similarity to Dana.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

It's true that passing a gun around indiscriminately between countless people would make it much more likely for that gun to be used cause harm. Might even make it as dangerous as a pool.

1 point

You are cherry-picking statistics and abusing the meaning of words, which are the common tactics of sociopaths.

Haha you're just like Dana with the minor difference that she sticks to "rapist" while you mix it up a little. Two peas in a pod haha.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Government subsidized student loan programs increased demand for higher education and provided guaranteed payments to colleges which removed market incentives for improvement. Increased demand drove up costs. Quality remained steady in the best circumstances. But more broadly, quality decreased to accommodate paying customers who cannot actually consume the higher quality product.

1 point

You are lying again.

I said that an individual pool is more dangerous than an individual gun statistically (I got this from Freakonomics). There are far less pools than guns, so they aren't a bigger problem.

-1 points

A sizable proportion of Americans can never have enough guns

I have the same concerns. But maybe, with an aggressive government redistribution plan, we can solve the issues of gun ownership inequity.

I see you're also concerned about shooting victim inequity. I suppose a government program to redistribute this outcome could also be tried, though I expect it would be less popular. I wouldn't personally support it.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Does the government need to round up all the drugs to make selling drugs against the law?

True. If there was a war on guns it would be about as effective as the war on drugs. Well, even less so because a violation of the constitution would drive demand for guns.

You know who gun manufacturers should be paying? The Democrats. Every time they start to murmur about gun restrictions, gun shops can't keep guns or ammo on the shelves.

1 point

I think we have plenty of guns. What we need is equity in gun distribution. As it is, the majority of the guns are in the hands of a relatively few greedy gun enthusiasts.

What we need is a gun ban on more than 1 of the same kind of assault rifle. If you have too many guns, you have to give them to underprivileged, lgbtq, or other populations that are under represented among gun owners.

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