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This personal waterfall shows you all of ArionaAllant's arguments, looking across every debate.

Aside from the fact that I myself am atheist, no I am not. I'm calling this one numb-nut all of the prior things. It was made by An atheist supposedly for atheists, not by atheists for atheists. =P

Foolish people like this. Oh they slay me so.

Annoying, irrational, unneeded and all around foolish. Such a temple lacks need or want from those it is meant to be for.

You take small insignificant sentiments overly serious quite often. You should be able to tell these from serious or strongly believed points. Thus you must either be truly ignorant to this fact or are simply throwing your opinion around for mere entertainment.

I've got it, a clay cast. Fake the erection, or rather recreate it for such a purpose.

If the picture was real? Yes, though it is a rather amusing picture and to a degree it could be possible that such a thing would happen.

I take what I said on the battle of whatever back, this was rather amusing.

Aside from the debate at hand, I must agree. I've noticed a lot of complaining about people insulting your country when you do the exact same. It is irrational and without merit. The Bard's Song is a song I have grown to love as I've come to love the band. I also feel it describes a part of me very well.

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