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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ayemaker's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Maaaannn, that is a crazy question.

I do think that is one of the main reasons Dems don't want increased border security though. Bring 'em in, pay 'em off, and get the vote.

When I say "pay 'em off" I'm just talking about the free healthcare and welfare, anybody would get that though.

What they do is demonize republicans in the media so that the immigrants coming here think the best thing they can do is vote Democrat.

They don't want to wait too long so babies are not what they are focused on.

1 point

Yeah, I get away with it most of the time. Even though I've been chemically dumbed down by the additives in the food and water, I'm still usually the smartest guy in the room.

Or, maybe I'm just being a dick.

1 point

That is correct. I'm not wrong about this. I don't need to check a poll or use 15 letter words to prove it.

1 point


My legitimate basis for that decision is this: I know better.

1 point

My Stepmother works for the Census bureau. All she does is write reports. She takes the raw data and packages it up neatly. She can't change the data, but she could narrowly focus on one thing in order to have people make false assumptions about the rest of the data.

It can all be manipulated to draw ones focus away from reality. Aside from that, do you really think people would admit they only voted for him because he was black? Even on an anonymous poll? I don't know how many black people you talk to on a regular basis but maybe you should ask around. I doubt you would be well received though.

1 point

National polling is a joke. That data can be, and is manipulated to reflect whatever values they want. Go back and look at them again and pay close attention to the wording this time.

Do you know how deception works?

1 point

I have a large family, but no. I am speaking from personal experience. In the end none of them could see past that. He was black, that's all they cared about.

Do you know how elections work?

1 point

Are you black? If not, stfu. I'm telling you from direct experience asshat. That was the reason it ultimately boiled down to for most of my family members.

1 point

I've never liked this clown, why start supporting him this late in the game?

I told everybody I knew not to vote for him. What did I keep hearing though?

But, he's Black...

1 point

The information is there, within you. All people understand there is a God. The people with above average intelligence question this. That's not a bad thing, go ahead and question it.

It can bring you to a greater understanding of God and the world around you.

If you inspect the world for signs of God and don't find any, don't erroneously assume that God doesn't exist.

God loves us all, but being stupid is a blessing that everyone doesn't receive. If you aren't lucky enough to be stupid please keep searching for God, you are probably just looking in the wrong place.

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