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Beardontcare's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Beardontcare's arguments, looking across every debate.

Look at what the black man is wearing. Come on now, someone with sweat pants and a hoodie? Shouldn't have taken two minutes!

2 points

The debate should be framed around the child, who is clearly better off with gay parents than in some institution. Conservatives who "believe in family" or "protect family values" should be the first proponents of gay adoption, but it would seem to me that some of them they're too desperate to show the extent of their bigotry and hypocrisy.

... you don't see other species out there exploring. What makes you think we're an exception to the rule?

Perhaps some will respect all beliefs, because the "equal respect", outside of evidence or integrity, is the only respect and the only justification for their own beliefs. The logic goes like this: "I may have no evidence for my claims, but if you disrespect my firm devotion to the invisible man in the clouds, the world will be torn apart by war!"

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