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Blacklaser's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blacklaser's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

While you've presented some valid arguments, if this topic really upsets you that much, the best course of action on your part would probably be to ignore it. This would help your peace of mind and would avoid conflict with those who vote you down for being off topic.

This is a site where everybody can create a debate about anything, inevitably someone will create a debate about some topic you really can't hear about it anymore. I've encountered some of those myself. However, the people that choose to participate in the debate have every right to do so, that's what this site has been created for. If, instead of just ignoring those debates, people would constantly jump in to complain about how they can't hear about it anymore, that would strongly deteriorate the quality of the debates. Looking at your first couple of posts, they did not add anything to the debate, only later did you write a good argument.

Yes there are more important topics to discuss, does that mean that people should only discuss those topics? No, everybody is free to discuss what they feel like. Some people feel strongly about this topic and some people are out there actively campaigning for legalization. If you count yourself among those that have made up their mind, and don't feel like discussing it anymore, then the best thing to do is probably to just scroll right past the debate.

Lastly I would like to add that what I just said applies to a range of comments on various debates. I decided to specifically comment on your arguments, because it seems to me that you're actually interested in conducting quality debates.

12 points

As the dutch example shows, legalizing marijuana doesn't come with any significant negative effects to society. Instead, the government has an additional source of income from taxes and saves significant amounts of money that is currently being spent on arresting, prosecution and locking up non violent marijuana users.

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