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Bronto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bronto's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Come now Con. We both know fully well that the main person trashing your Jewishness on this site is a far left wing Marxist.

1 point

My cat tried to rape me one time when it was in heat.

Then I tried to show him off and he did this.

5 points

Don't give the libs any ideas. Every pet and wild animal from here to the next galaxy will wind up in court.

5 points

If it's a system OF, FOR and BY the people it goes in the direction THE PEOPLE want. If it's an authoritarian or dictatorship, it will go where the LEADERS want!

Oddly, it's turned out to be the totalitarians every time. We should try it again for giggles. I love Commies chopping off my nut sack just to try and prove they won't.

5 points

Nahh… Socialism is an ECONOMIC system.. Communism is a POLITICAL system

Both demand you have no property and hand your/your loved ones' ball sack over to a tyranical government in a plastic bag.

Question: do any of those S's in USSR stand for "Communist"?

If no, was the USSR Communist?

2 points

But Con...he's wearing swastika undies. His favorite facial hair style is called square stache.

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