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Chloe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Chloe's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This older couple was celebrating there wedding anniversary. They both were in their sixtys. A fairy came and offered them each one wish. The woman wished for a trip around the world. Poof! She had plane, train, and cruise ship tickets that would take her all the way around the world. The man wished for a woman that was 30 years younger. Poof! He was 30years older, and his wife was still 60 years old. Be careful what you wish for~! C

2 points

Definitely would have done the same thing. I can't stand how those people are just coming over her willy nilly, getting pregnant, and then claiming that since their "child" was born here they have to stay here. We can throw them back across the boarder just as easily as they came over here. The kidd can have dual citizenship, but the parents DO NOT~! C

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