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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cinaman1998's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

the afterlife has been reported in multiple religions. the connection would thus forth create a way to make it look to be connected but the sciences cant prove or disprove the theory due to the fact it is unknown

3 points

lies you are not an imperial form skyrim but still


i was just trollin u guys

1 point


excitement is against the code of the samurai

this is clearly not a samurai

1 point

the gods never lie to us

we must obey or die

the gods love us


it is the glitch is not from the camera or else it would be through the temple

1 point

kid you must love your weed because your first point is completely out of line. where do you live, in mexico. they were the nationalist socialist party not freaking conservative. they have nothing in common (ok maybe stupid people like you but still, you are retarded).

1 point

All we can say though is that hitler would be like the modern george bush and bush i have no doubt in my mind wanted to kill the country eventual and just that allow should win my point over

1 point

but he is not a man the is transgendered. so then you cant clasify him as a man. also note he said 9.5 out of 10 of men not all of em

1 point

tis is now my pic for FB thxs brah this wil scare the shit out of everyone of my FB friends

1 point

plus we segrigated the black and they actualy dont suck. geek on the other hand do

1 point

geeks need to be seperated they are nerd discusting thinngs from EARTH (acrominm for eek are ru the humans) we dont want alein confusing normal people for geeks

1 point

yes, the amount of atheists has made atheism part of the UNs declared religion, but legitimately, seeing as atheism i the belief of no god or goddess i is impossible to be religion, bhudism has not god but it has Bhuda

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