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CubeGlider's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CubeGlider's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

If you think the government should ban nudity since it could harm you, then by the same argument they should outlaw refrigerators because they have a CHANCE of falling on you. People should be free to make their own decisions.

1 point

I've always believed that relationships with smaller age gaps were better.

1 point

Certainly one of the best arguments I've seen all day long :)

1 point

Plenty of things. Mainly left-brained stuff like composing music and creative writing :P

1 point

If they were at the point when a civil war was on the way then a war would occur eventually no matter how far you spread them apart.

2 points

Separating everyone is never a good idea. Eventually one group would find some reason or other to get mad at the other group and then wars happen. Our best hope for peace as a planet is to find a middle ground, not to have various areas of different extremes.

2 points

You point out how many, many atheists have caused battles and deaths. What about terrorists? Everything they do is based around their religion. What about the Crusades? Hundreds of unneccessary wars have been fought over who's god is the real god and other such nonsense. Certainly more wars have been started by them then by atheists. Also, Hitler didn't decide to commit mass homocide because he was atheist, he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. On the other hand, most religious battles were CLEARLY fought because of people's different religions. Very few wars are started due to LACK of religion. Look at all wars that are currently being fought. Hmm. They are all either wars over religion or over something else which is completely unrelated religion or atheism. I don't see any wars because of atheism. Religion instead appears to be the leading cause.

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